Add a Back button on Account Details page

Problem: Per System Admin, there is nowhere else on the site where you have to hit your browser's back button except on the Account Details page. So if a user is looking at their account info, maybe changes their landing page, the only way to get back to another page is to click the Back button on their browser. It seems we should add a Back button, and also, if they do update their  info and click Update, maybe let them know the update was successful, either with a banner message or drop them back to the page they were on before clicking on Account Details? Or land them on their Dashboard?


Client not on the dropdown: Cedarville:

  • Mary Trautman
  • Feb 7 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Mary Trautman
Client Name "shard name" cedarville
User System Admin
Functional Unit Users
  • Attach files
  • Mary Trautman commented
    September 24, 2019 19:31

    Holland College also mentioned that they would like to see this.