Exclude External Opportunities From Default Portfolios List

Some clients load hundreds of external opportunties into their system. When navigating to the admin's primary Portfolios page (https://____.academicworks.com/admin/portfolios) it'd be really helpful to NOT display external opportunities by default.

During normal administrative activities and especially during implementation, the user is not concerned with external opportunties at all, yet their Portfolios list can be cluttered with tons of them and they have to manually filter out external opps every single time they navigate to or refresh the Portfolios page.

Alternatively, if users could save/default a filtered Portfolios list (like they can with grid views) using the options that exist in the "Show Filters" modal, that could greatly improve an admin's workflow. 


Note: they're not coming up in the Client Name field, but 'binghamton' is where this enhancement request stemmed from.

  • Deleted User
  • Feb 7 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Brooke Butler
Client Name "shard name" cmich, binghamton
User Opportunity Admin, System Admin
Functional Unit Portfolio