Option to Sort Donors Randomly or Choose Ordering

The problem with our recent updates to make donor profiles show alphabetically is that now, certain donors are ALWAYS prominently displayed at the top of the list on page one regardless of whether the customer needs for the donor to be prominently displayed.

For example, there are donors who give a lot of money or who did something special that customers want to highlight. While this particular customer wants the ability to toggle between alphabetical display or random as the default display, it might also be nice to give customers an option to select the order altogether...i.e., to order the donor profiles one by one.

This way, they can highlight folks and later move those folks around, etc.

  • Deleted User
  • Feb 27 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name David Welch
Client Name "shard name" utifoundation, cmc
User System Admin
Functional Unit Donors
  • Attach files
  • Mary Trautman commented
    March 09, 2019 00:31

    Please add CMC to this - their request is slightly different but related to flexibility in sorting donor profiles:

    They have asked if we could sort the profiles alphabetically based on last name rather than first name.

    They said that often times people know someone's last name but not their first.
