Improved Page Navigation

On the all opportunities (portfolio screen) where there is a listing of all scholarships; if you could add a page navigation tool to the top (like you have at the bottom) it would be extremely helpful.  I find myself accessing all the scholarships one at a time quite often on this page and I have to scroll all the way to the bottom every time, change the page, and then find the scholarship. 

  • Guest
  • Mar 6 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Mary Brown
Client Name "shard name" witc, ccsu
User System Admin
Functional Unit Portfolio
  • Attach files
  • Lisa Churchman commented
    June 14, 2019 14:25

    Yes - please!

  • Deleted User commented
    October 08, 2018 18:39

    Another vote from Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College, for the same listed reason