Have cloned review groups only be attached to opportunities from the current cycle

What Prompted the Request?   When the client cloned reviewer groups, it remained attached to last cycles opportunities and did not attach the current cycles opportunities.  They do not archive the past cycle's opportunities until they are well in to the next cycle, so they do not automatically "unattach" from the review group.  Client finds this process to time consuming and easy to forget all the steps.

Who is having the problem? System admins and Opportunity admins that maintain reviewer groups

What is the impact of the problem?  Admins do not realize that they must adjust the opportunities being reviewed so the correct applications are not being assigned tot he groups.  Even if they do know that they have to assign the new opportunities, it is sometimes hard to find them as they are not labeled with the season and they must evaluate the review dates.

Any Workarounds?  There is not really a workaround at this time.  I will be publishing a "Cloning and Archiving Reviewer Groups Checklist" to lay out the steps for this process, but they still have to go through the whole process.

  • Deleted User
  • Mar 22 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Jennifer Standley
Client Name "shard name" sfsu
User Opportunity Admin, System Admin
Functional Unit Reviewer Groups
  • Attach files