Add a question type that is actually just a statement or heading.

Problem: SeattleU would like to add some text to the top of their Post Acceptance questions that says something along the lines of "if you've already answered these questions for another opportunity that you were awarded, you may copy and paste those answers here."

They ask some tough essay questions in PA, and want the students to know they can use the same ones if they are awarded several scholarships.

Normally we can work around this by putting text like that in the actual question label for the first question and adding some markup language line breaks so it looks like a heading or instructions, but it's technically part of question one. 

For some reason these line breaks don't work in PA questions, I've tested this a few times, and there is nowhere to put any custom text that only shows up for PA questions. The work around we discussed is adding a Yes/No question first, like "Have you already answered these questions for another opportunity? If so, you may copy and paste those answers here." Then the awardee has to click yes or no. It's just awkward.

Custom Text for PA  questions would also fix this, but I've had other clients wish they could add a "heading" type question as well.

  • Mary Trautman
  • Mar 27 2017
  • Planned
Employee Name Mary Trautman
Client Name "shard name" seattleu, wisc, kstate, calalumni, hcfne, uc-eap-ucop
User Opportunity Admin, System Admin
Functional Unit Questions, Communications
  • Attach files
  • Jonathan Blevins commented
    March 14, 2022 16:56

    Is there a way to get an update on this request? Been almost two years since the last comment...

    University of Oklahoma is incredibly interested in this for the same reasons and described below.

  • Mary Trautman commented
    April 03, 2020 18:59

    Please add Edinburgh Napier University to this FER. You can see the amount of html that has to be added in order to create their budget and other questions.

  • Micco Fay commented
    June 04, 2019 21:38

    Mount Royal University

  • Guest commented
    December 27, 2018 16:34

    Please add HCFNE and UC-EAP-UCOP to this request.

    Thank You!

  • Guest commented
    February 23, 2018 18:38

    University of California Berkeley Cal Alumni Association would also like to be added. They have such long headings, that the asterisk is way up at the beginning of the heading so by the time you get to the actual question, it doesn't look like it's required. In addition, the error message they get if they don't answer the required question includes all that heading text. Just looks weird. Please see attached screen shots or Become and applicant and try to apply to this one:

    Not to mention how it looks in the grids. :-)

  • Guest commented
    December 06, 2017 17:42

    Kstate would like text set outside associating it to a question. I let them know about the work around by adding coding. (<BR>) However they presented logical reasoning why that will not work and would actually lead to more confusion. See comments below:


    "Also, the other trouble is that the help text (if you want to use it) gets a little tricky when you use this work-around.  As a person who builds quals and looks at the applicant grids, it’s kind of confusing that the heading is part of the question on those screens.  For a reviewer, having that formatting with a linkage between the section header and the actual question is going to be really confusing.  I don’t have a better visual at the moment (because most of these are on the conditional app), but picture that my KSN profile below had a legit question dropped down below it.  It’s just wonky.  I hope product will consider those aspects too.  It’s an ok work-around (for the student experience).

  • Mary Trautman commented
    March 27, 2017 16:45

    Update: this DID work for them, I re-tested it because I thought that was strange that it works for other questions. This is the work around we use a lot in implementation:

    Question #1:

    If you have already answered these questions for another award you have received, you may copy and paste those answers here.</br></br>Gratitude (What does receiving a scholarship mean to you and what do you hope to achieve with it? What words of gratitude would you like to share with your donor(s)?)