Control End Result of Calculated Field

Client would like to control that a calculation does not exceed a certain amount. The business reason is the specific calculation they are wanting to do, if they can't control the end result some students may have an unfair advantage. Here's a copy of what prompted this enhancement from the client to provide some context:

"Can we control that the calculation does not exceed grade GPA * 30 credits even if the student has earned more than 30 credits?  Of course if the student has only earned 12 credits then the calculation would be GPA * 12. If not this would provide unfair advantage to students that would have high credits because the multiplier would allow student with more credits and a lower GPA to obtain higher quality points.  A 2.5 GPA might gain a significant advantage over a 4.0 GPA just based on high credits."

Client is oaklandcc (Aha won't let me populate that field below)

  • Deleted User
  • May 2 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Matt Frank
Client Name "shard name" oaklandcc
User System Admin , Support Admin
Functional Unit General Application , Site Settings, Imports
  • Attach files