improve search filters for portfolios
They would like the filters they apply to admin/portfolios to persist if they move away and return to that page.
Specifically, they would like to remove external permanently since they almost never deal with those.
Client Name "shard name"
fvtc, westerntc
Opportunity Admin
Functional Unit
"I think it would make the system easier to use if we could expand the Question Label (in Questions section) and Scopes (in 'Show Filters' on Public Website AND All Portfolios). Currently, these selections are very small, and, depending on what you're entering/looking for, it can be a pain to find it.
Additionally, allowing users to type into the Scopes selection as part of 'Show Filters' would improve ease-of-use for students on the public website and users on the back-end in All Portfolios."
From merged enhancements -
"In the ‘Filter All Opportunities’ section, it’d be nice if we could a) type into the Organizations section to filter and/or b) expand the section – it’s hard to find what you need when you can only see a few at a time. Also, if the filter would “hold” on what you last filtered on when you come back to the screen that would be great!See attached picture of area referring to and let me know if you have any questions."
"You currently cannot search or scroll to the right to see full scopes name on all portfolios page. Clients use this filter MANY times a day and cannot easily filter down on the scopes. You have to scroll through the list or go to all opportunities page. It wold be great if this functioned similar to look up like adding a qualification criteria. When you click add question you can search the list and not just scroll."
This would be very helpful for some of our users who manage hundreds of funds from different departments (scopes).