Calculated Questions at the Opportunity Level

Ellen presented us with this enhancement request due to two issues that they have encountered with having calculated questions on the General Application:

1. Not all of their opportunity providers use the same formula for calculating unmet need. Expenses are not always factored in. Some use exactly what is on the award letter, some include or exclude subsidized loans, etc.

2. Providers who have merit based opportunities do not want to see the financial calcs. If it's on the Gen App, all opp admins will see it.

  • Guest
  • May 23 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Nick Fazzini
Client Name "shard name" stlouisgraduates, calalumni, uvu, colby
User System Admin
  • Attach files
  • Jennifer Matte commented
    July 07, 2020 14:42

    Calculated questions are currently not available anywhere except on the General Application. Would like to see this feature available at the opportunity level as well. In some situations, financial need is a requirement for an opportunity and the ability to build those questions at the opportunity level or as a post acceptance question would be more appropriate.

    Especially when using 'match on drafted' when a student is being selected and not required to have completed the General Application to be selected.

  • Ellen Vietor commented
    May 09, 2019 20:30

    Now that I know where to see the feature enhancement requests, I'm voting for this again.  It would be really helpful if we had calculated questions at the opportunity level AND could do calculations on Admin questions.

  • Mary Trautman commented
    October 17, 2018 15:04

    Colby College would like this too:

  • Deleted User commented
    August 07, 2018 15:41

    Mary Derby from Utah Valley University (UVU) has also requested this feature. She would like the ability to use Calculated Questions on individual opportunities and not just the General Application

  • Deleted User commented
    May 03, 2018 15:33

    calalumni would like this feature as well. They want to use conditional applications to split their applicant pool between incoming freshman and current students. They have some calculated questions to identify financial need, but only want to use those questions with incoming freshman.