Merged Enhancement

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit SMM-I-890 Change Text on applicant pop-ups (GA and "Other Recommended Opportunities").

Ability to customize the General App popup that says "Welcome! In order to start applying..." Merged

Wesleyan does not like this verbiage as they don't use the GA for all applicants, they'd like to put something more customized here.

  • Mary Trautman
  • Oct 6 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Mary Trautman
Client Name "shard name" wesleyan, cmc
User System Admin
Functional Unit General Application
  • Mary Trautman commented
    October 12, 2018 14:21

    CMC would like to be able to change this as well - they would like to be able to change any text that says "application" because they are a private institution that swaps funds and calls their CA a "survey," not an "application," they don't want students to think they are applying because technically they've already gotten their $, they are just being assigned particular funds at this point.

