Allow OAs to make mass-updates on the Opportunities grid

The Problem

For decentralized schools, usually you have a central / core team that is trying to gradually train up various colleges and departments, and consequently entrust the management of those departments and opportunities to those distributed teams. This means some (potentially large) number of Opportunity Administrators are working in the system in various departments, divided out by appropriate Scopes, editing opportunities, and so on.

In this scenario, OAs may frequently need to make mass-updates for things like opportunity Dates, various checkboxes, Type, and so on. Right now, there is no way for them to do this, because the Opportunities Grid does not offer any mass-update options for OAs. It appears that option is only available to System Administrators -- and again, these would be people on the "core" team who are trying to fully get themselves off the hook for these sorts of updates.

  • Deleted User
  • Oct 24 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Ian Schumann
Client Name "shard name" msu, fsu
User Opportunity Admin
Functional Unit Grids
  • Attach files
  • Mary Trautman commented
    November 21, 2019 21:39

    Please add VCU to this request. They are decentralized and there is no way for opportunity admins to update their dates and other fields en masse.