Add a Resend Award Email button on Categorize pop up window

For their PhD awards, they force apply applicants. For one applicant, they mistakenly clicked "Update Application" before entering an amount. The award notification email was triggered. Per my suggestion, the workaround was to send the applicant an ad hoc email. They would like to see "an option to Resend Award Email so the recipient would get all of the needed information in one email (amount, links, instructions for next steps)," on the pop up window when categorizing, as shown in attached screenshot. In this case, because they are being categorized as Awarded, it's actually the Post-Acceptance Request that would need to be re-triggered.

  • Guest
  • Oct 27 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Nora Miller
Client Name "shard name" foster-washington
User System Admin
Functional Unit Communications
  • Attach files