Select multiple values from grids; Allow user to specify multiple scopes to see within grid view

System Admin at Stanford University-School of Humanities and Sciences would like to create a dashboard card and/or grid view that tells her details about opportunities within a a select number of scopes. In this case she wants to see opportunities from 21 and exclude 3 scopes that are not relevant.

She still needs to see the other 3 scopes in other places so cannot remove the scopes from her view, nor can she create 21 different dashboard cards/grid views.

  • Guest
  • Nov 16 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Client Name "shard name" stanford, umsl
User System Admin
Functional Unit Grids
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  • Mafalda Chandler commented
    January 12, 2023 18:02

    TWU would also like to have this feature. Please make the Scopes column in the grid the same as the others, with the search bar, and the possibility to use <> or || functions.

    Thank you!

  • Alana Juneau commented
    November 03, 2021 18:49

    When in Award mode for awarding by student, when you use filters, it would be great to be able to select multiple scopes at a time. We have, among others, an athletic expendable scope and an athletic endowment scope. but we can not choose both at the same time to see ALL the athletic opportunities. This is also the case in our opportunities list. we need the capability to choose multiple scopes not just one at a time.

  • Admin
    Carrie Goldberger commented
    November 27, 2019 15:19

    See similar request from buffalostate; description below -

    It would be very helpful to select more than one category to view in the Fund Disbursement Grid.

    We currently sent students with Accepted, Thank You Pending and Thank You Received Statuses to our Accounting Office for check processing. Currently this means we will have to run a Fund Disbursement Report for each category separately. If we could pull these together it would be much easier on our Accounting Office.

  • Nick Fazzini commented
    August 16, 2019 13:35

    I have been seeing a trend where scopes are being used for labeling versus visibility filters.  Having the option to type in multiple scopes on the opportunities grid would help with more complex awarding processes.  

    University of Michigan - LSA would like to be added to the list of requesting clients.

  • Jodi Bruns commented
    August 05, 2019 15:00

    It would be great to be able to select multiples from any of the fields that have multiple options. Many softwares utilize a CTRL-select or SHIFT-select functionality so users can incorporate multiples from menus.

  • Mary Trautman commented
    December 07, 2018 15:59

    UMSL would also like this feature to be used on their Funds grid.