User was clicking on the conditional application count on their dashboard and found it confusing as to where he could find the 12 only submitted applications. I advised to go to the conditional grids and filter on the custom views to find they returned no results. I thought this was a bug so am including Katy's response below for a further explanation after research:
The Drafted view that you referenced is actually a General Application view (when you hover over the grid views dropdown, you’ll see it listed under “General Application Views”). The General Application views “Drafted” and “Submitted” filter on category IDs associated with General Applications only. It does not filter on any Conditional Application category IDs. If you want to see all Conditional applications for a certain category, like drafted or submitted, you’ll need to create a new saved view (I agree that this is a little confusing, as General Application views are not available for conditional applications, and you might consider looking for or submitting an FER in order to help clarify this issue for clients.
It would be nice if these categories filtered the conditionals only.
Employee Name | Cammy Jagielski |
Client Name "shard name" | salisbury |
User | System Admin |
Functional Unit | Grids |