Include Committed Amount in Encumbered Funds Grid

We would like to be able to see the Committed Amount as an available field item in the Encumbered Funds Grid

  • Guest
  • Jul 17 2019
  • Reviewed: Need Further Info
Client Name "shard name" udayton
User Opportunity Admin
Functional Unit Dashboard
Employee Name Catherine Mix
  • Attach files
  • Keith Brown commented
    March 09, 2020 20:20

    UW-Madison would also find this useful on the Opportunities grid. Currently, the Opportunities grid has the Opportunity Amount and the Total Remaining Amount. While you can figure out the Committed Amount using those two #s, it doesn't seem like it'd be too difficult to add that column in to complete the equation for users.

  • Admin
    Carrie Goldberger commented
    August 09, 2019 14:26

    Thanks, Catherine! Which field are you referring to for 'Committed Amount'? If you're using Institutional Commitment, I see that field appears on the Encumbered Funds Grid. Are you referring to a different value?