Ability to Mass Clone and Archive Opportunities/Portfolios

Indiana University has a significant amount of Portfolios and Opportunities which have varying start and end dates and which need to be cloned and archived at different times during our Cycle Management process. This is because we are a multi-campus institution with nine campuses all using the BAM system slightly differently. 

Providing System Administrators with the ability to clone and archive in mass, especially during the institution's cycle management process will provide Sys Admins with more autonomy and the ability to custom batch their own cloning and archiving dates if not every opportunity/portfolio is ready to be done at the same or if campuses cannot all agree on the same dates. Additionally, we know our opportunities/portfolios better than the BAM Support Team would, so if something is off before cloning and archiving, or if not everyone opportunity has been cloned and archived properly (which we experienced this past cycle management period) we can fix it more quickly rather than having to wait on BAM Support or Professional Services to complete the tasks. This added Sys Admin ability will provide institutions with more efficiency and speed during their cycle management process. 

This request is similar, but not exactly the same, as another request I found, SMM-I-191 , from ISU three years ago, but it seems to pertain more to SM than to AM. 

  • Rachel Kynhoff
  • Oct 22 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Client Name "shard name" IU
User System Admin
Functional Unit Portfolio, Automatch, Apply-to , Site Settings, Imports, API, Awards, Apply-to, Reports
Employee Name Rachel Kynhoff
  • Attach files
  • Oliver Mamangun commented
    February 09, 2022 23:21

    Vote Vote Vote! California State University, Long Beach would also like this functionality. We run multiple cycle managements throughout the year and the smallest mass clone/archive happens during the beginning of the cycle so our largest mass clone/archive does not have oversight by the team that specifically oversees this process.