Would like an export API from the Bulk Action grids

Wisc is trying to automate a process where they can pull the submitted apply-to applications and names out of the system nightly. update an indicatior on their side to be imported back in the applicant record and used to automatch on opportunities.  Making for the student only having to apply once, know the application was submitted and be automatched into the other potential qualified opportunities.


  • Deleted User
  • May 3 2018
  • Shipped
Employee Name Cammy Jagielski
Client Name "shard name" shsu, wisc
User System Admin
Functional Unit API
  • Attach files
  • Jessica Beatty commented
    September 25, 2018 20:08

    Sam Houston State University (shsu) is requesting something very similar and I think this would be the best place for it.

    They want to "pull the application status (drafted, submitted, etc) of a specific opportunity in a daily report that would then add a tracking requirement to a student account in Banner. We have created an apply-to opportunity that we would like to track the progress of students applications. Since Academic Works provided the information needed to set up the API, I am hoping you can help with this as well."