Merged Enhancement

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit SMM-I-558 Explaining why an applicant is not qualified to reviewers in the reviewer portal.

show qualification points to reviewers Merged

  • Deleted User
  • Feb 3 2016
  • Shipped
Client Name "shard name" svsu
User Reviewer, Reviewer Chair
Functional Unit Qualifications
  • Jessica Beatty commented
    November 14, 2016 20:12

    Todd Cabilo with Salem State University would also like to see this enhancement. 

  • Guest commented
    June 10, 2016 18:38

    Problem: This is an important piece of information that reviewers cannot currently take into account. They are often the actual decision makers even though they don't do the physical awarding so they should have all the data. Would be helpful to have on the grid the reviewer chair sees if not visible to all reviewers.