Merged Enhancement

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit SMM-I-275 show qualification points to reviewers.

Show Reviewers Number of Qualification Points Merged

User would like all reviewers to see qualification points. They currently do not want to make users reviewer chairs but do want reviewers to see the number of qualification points for the applicant.

  • Jessica Beatty
  • Feb 5 2018
  • Shipped
Employee Name Jessica Schildwachter
Client Name "shard name" umass
User System Admin , Reviewer, Reviewer Chair
Functional Unit Automatch, Apply-to , Qualifications, Reviewer Groups, Assigning Reviews, Reviews, Review
  • Jessica Beatty commented
    February 05, 2018 19:08

    A few more tidbits of information: The admin said "If a reviewer group is assigned 1000 reviews, all with qualified applicants, but only 200 meet the preference, it would be good for them to know they can review the 200 who meet the preference rather than the full 1000."

    I have already informed them of quals on reviewer groups but that doesn't seem to help because they have several opportunities with more than one preference.