show offer details after an applicant accepts

Make the Offer Details accessible after clicking accept so students can review what they've agreed to.
  • Deleted User
  • Feb 3 2016
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Employee Name David Welch
Client Name "shard name" azfoundation, fairfieldcountyfoundation, fvtc, unt
User Applicant
Functional Unit Post Acceptance
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  • Deleted User commented
    September 07, 2017 19:14

    It would be great if we could make the Offer Details more readily available/easily accessible to applicants. As we move towards working with more private institutions and other large universities, many don't require that an applicant actually "Accept" the award. They move applicants start to Accepted and then use the platform primarily for post-acceptance. 

    Because the Offer Details are somewhat buried for these folks, they wind up not using the functionality, which is a same because it would alleviate some headaches when they need to share customized, donor-specific information. 

    Foster-Washington would love this and the Merged Enhancement of "Include Award amount on Post Acceptance Card."

  • Deleted User commented
    March 03, 2016 22:12

    The offer details are currently available, they are just on the opportunity card that is buried underneath the post acceptance card.  Perhaps it would make more sense to highlight that second card, or show the offer details on the post acceptance.