create nav for application sections
For both admins and reviewers, the applications can get quite long. To help with this:
1.) Make the different sections, e.g., General Application Questions or Supplemental Questions, more visually prominent.
2.) Add a persistent navigational element that would allow a user to jump to the different sections of the application.
Employee Name
Brooke Butler
Client Name "shard name"
hamiltonfoundation, wisc, irvingschoolsfoundation, wallinpartners
Opportunity Admin, Reviewer, System Admin, Reviewer Chair
Functional Unit
Reviews, Conditional Application, General Application
wallinpartners would like this functionality, specifically for their reviewers
hamiltonfoundation would like this functionality!
See similar use case from WISC in merged enhancement SMM-I-1180. They would like the sections to be collapsable.
I can see how this would be extremely helpful to clients with long GAs, one that comes to mind: