Show first-encumbered-at date for Post-Acceptance applications

Renewal offset is based on when the post-acceptance was created, which is when the encumberable application was first-encumbered.  But administrators cannot access this date anywhere in their system.  So they do not know how changing renewal offset with affect their renewals.  This was a BIG deal for JWU and caused them to have to defer their entire first round of renewals.


I would suggest putting this first-encumbered-at date in 4 possible places:

1.  The overall post-acceptance grid - /admin/applications/post_acceptance

2.  The post-acceptance grid on individual opportunities

3. The fund disbursements grid

4. The awards tab for individual applications - /admin/opportunities/:id/applications/:id/awards

  • Guest
  • Feb 26 2016
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Employee Name Catherine O’neill
Client Name "shard name" jwu
User System Admin
Functional Unit Awards, Renewal Management