Merged Enhancement

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit SMM-I-722 Question modal is unmanageable .

Question Library Improvements Merged

Note: For the purpose of the description, "DUPLICATE", means a similar question, verbatim or close to it, is being created over and over again by a client and its users.

Problem: Customers have duplicate question created, some tens, others hundreds. This has the following negative impacts:

  1. Clients/AW: Long load times when trying to add questions

  2. Clients/AW: Long load times for grids, grid updates and downloading reports due to large number of columns

  3. Clients: Difficulty running reports as data for a single vertical of information is spread across multiple columns.

  4. Clients: Overwhelming and a challenging UX sifting through and managing a large number of questions, especially duplicates.

  5. AW: Difficulty supporting/troubleshooting clients with large numbers of duplicate questions, resulting in significantly longer ticket times, difficulty identifying fields to be address for requested updates, and human error with a larger spread of data to sift through.

  6. AW: Adds to over system overhead, burdening processing and needing to buy more cloud storage space over time.

  • Guest
  • Aug 11 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Micco Fay
Functional Unit Questions
  • Guest commented
    January 10, 2017 22:44

    UTA would also love this - they especially would like to be able to search all apply-to questions without having to find a current/future apply-to opp and click the "add applicant question" button

  • Deleted User commented
    October 13, 2016 20:01

    This was also mentioned by a few clients at the client conference.