Question modal is unmanageable

Background:  The question modal provides a huge list of available questions to choose from, however, it is difficult to navigate.  Importantly, there is no quick way to know which questions are attached to which opportunities.  


Impact: If an OA were to create a similar but not exactly identical question, this can lead to confusion about what the "real" question is that is used on other opportunities. 


User Story: As an administrator, I want to be able to see the count of opportunities a question is attached to in the modal.  

  • Deleted User
  • Oct 21 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Robert Nelson
Client Name "shard name" buffalostate, csun
Functional Unit Questions
  • Attach files
  • Keith Brown commented
    September 15, 2023 20:44

    UW-Madison continues to struggle with the question library for two primary reasons. First and foremost, the question library is very slow to load, to add new questions, to search for questions, etc. when you are either a) an Opp Admin with many scopes or b) a System Administrator. For System Admins, typing in a search term for a question is typically 5-10 seconds behind your typing and almost unusable. To get around this, I'll typically 'Become User' on a user with as few scopes as possible for the opp that I'm working on, but this seems silly. Second, the inability to search for questions in the library by Form Field ID makes it harder for users to find the question they want. Instead, they have to rely on adding prefixes/suffixes to their questions or search by keyword (which could have many returns).

    We would like to see the question library reduced to a smaller subset of questions (either by scope or by not automatically displaying ALL to System Admins) and to see the ability to search by Form Field ID.

  • Stephanie Parmentier commented
    March 28, 2019 02:16

    Many of the users at UW Madison are also having a problem with this- particularly the users who administer over 200 funds.

  • Jessica Beatty commented
    March 07, 2019 16:17

    CSUN is also reporting this issue in their system.  They have over 1,000 questions in their questions library and page performance can get slow and unpredictable when the page tries to load that many questions. We are going to try to archive some but we request an update on this page to handle the large number of questions. We can archive some but it still leaves a large number left because the majority are being used on open opportunities.