Admin facing list and count of Opps each Applicant is qualified for

CSU Long Beach (Oliver Mamangun) is requesting for Admins to have access to see a list of opportunities an applicant is qualified and a count of these.  Customer gave reasons on ZD ticket #46261


Business Reasons for Request:

  1. Applicants can be factored out of the reviewing process as we have significantly more applications to reviewers.
  2. Applicants can be considered for closer analysis to see why they do not qualify. Perhaps they are incorrectly filling out their applications and/or the applicant record is incorrect.
  3. Applicants with low to no qualified opportunities can introduce new populations for development (advancement) to create opportunities.


  • Guest
  • Jan 11 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Micco Fay
Client Name "shard name" csulb
User System Admin
Functional Unit Qualifications