Add "system fields" to reviewer group qualifications

Scenario #1 -- rephrased as a user story:

I want to conduct reviewing for the entire Business School, so I'm going to review at the Conditional level. My reviewers are sensitive to workload so I want to thin out the number of review assignments as much as possible. We're using GPA, Academic Standing, etc., to make sure they only spend time reviewing the "top quality" candidates, which is only about 20% of the whole.

In order to cut down on their workload further, I wish there was a way to add a qualification on my Conditional review group that would say:

Number of qualified applications :: must be greater than :: zero

That is to say, we only want to review applicants at the Conditional level who have some qualified opportunity applications within the Business School -- aka, those who stand a chance of actually receiving an award 

As it is, my reviewers may waste some time conducting evaluations on applicants who will definitely not receive an award, because some of them haven't matched to anything within the department. If I could set up a review group qualification like the above, it would be easy to avoid this.

Scenario #2 -- similar idea, but at the opportunity level:

After reviewing at the Conditional level, there may be some opportunities within the Business School where no applicants have a Conditional review score, aka where none of the "top quality" candidates were matched Mostly these are going to be opportunities that end up with a tiny applicant pool. For these we're going to set up a secondary "ad hoc" reviewer group that will operate at the opportunity level. In some cases though, we might have only one or two "top quality" candidate within an opportunity, and we want this second round of reviewing to give a slightly wider range of options to the people making the award selections.

In this case it would be helpful to have another "system" type field to use as a qualifier within the review group that would say e.g.:

Conditional Review Score :: must not be present

That way, this "ad hoc" reviewer group is only going to receive the specific applicants that did not get covered by the first round of Conditional-level reviewing.

  • Guest
  • Oct 14 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Ian Schumann
Client Name "shard name" csulb
User Opportunity Admin
Functional Unit Reviewer Groups
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  • Amy Nolasco commented
    February 22, 2023 15:58

    UVA has similar needs - we have applicants that submit conditional applications and reviewers are reviewing at the conditional application level. However, some of the student applications don't need to be reviewed because they don't qualify for any related school opportunities. It would be great to have a field at the conditional application level to indicate how many associated opportunities based on the conditional application for which the student qualifies!

  • Guest commented
    May 10, 2021 19:00

    UCLA has related difficulties. We'd like to use system fields such as reviews completed or gen/opp/conditional scores as qualifications on the reviewer group, so we wouldn't need to create a second review group. For example, as we reach the final day of a review, we could force through just applications still awaiting our minimum number of reviews OR a second read of just the top "finalists" that have a minimum score of 90, for example.

  • Admin
    Carrie Goldberger commented
    April 26, 2019 13:58

    Please see merged enhancement from ucr for a similar use case. They would like to use the reviewer score at a General App or Conditional App level to find the top candidates and have those candidates come up for review again at the scholarship level.